Our Mission

To bring about significant ,deep rooted and long term improvement in academic performance of the student by.......  

1. Instilling the right attitude and work culture through personal transformation

2.  Developing subject expertise through a unique bottom-up approach involving a mix of modern technology and traditional learning methods.

Our Programmes :


(Personal Transformation Programme)

BaseQuadrant's PTP is a unique course that instills the right qualities in the child, so as to bring about a personal transformation in them. we believe that any progress on the academic front, begins with deep internal transformation.

Based on their academic capabilities, Let's broadly classify students into 4 quadrants. Each of the 4 quadrants indicate a certain level of knowledge ,skill and capability as described in the figure below
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The Performance Quadrant

From an academic perspective, a move from Quadrant 1 to 2, 2 to 3, and 3 to 4 ,indicates improved performance  resulting in better grades.This improvement has to be the result of strengthened knowledge levels, skills and competence.

However,the sad truth is that a huge majority of children complete their entire education ,stuck in the same quadrant that they began with.

 There might be minor improvements over a period of time,courtesy a good teacher, or a determined parent.But by and large , a significant improvement eludes them.

What could be the reason?
The answer is, Real Change begins from within.
The first step to better external achievement is to transform oneself from the inside, This means to develop the right habits and skills like concentration,discipline,will power and a positive attitude.

These are life-changing skills, and once these qualities are instilled in the child, they pave the path for external achievement in the form of better grades,improved performance in all spheres of life, having a successful career and above all, being a better human being.

BaseQuadrant's Personal Transformation Programme (PTP)  works precisely on
developing  these intrinsic qualities within the child.

 Through this 3 months intensive programme , our counsellors engage with the child at a personal level. Through regular discussions, chats, mentoring sessions, practice exercises, and motivational programmes, we train the child to

->  Develop a sense of purpose

->  Learn to dream big

-> Acquire the right study habits

-> Know how to make plans and execute them with discipline

->  Be more systematic, professional and focussed in their studies

-> Be more process-oriented rather than goal-oriented. (This means the child learns to enjoy their studies while working hard towards their goal. Students who enjoy their studies turn out to be more joyful, confident and well behaved.)

Having achieved a fundamental transformation from within, the child is now ready to work on their academics, and can see huge jump from Quadrant to Quadrant in a relatively short period of time.

 Programme details :
Participant Age : 10 to 22 years
Duration : 90 days
Fees : Rs 5000


Academic Transformation programme

Once personal transformation is achieved,the next step is academic improvement, which in simple terms means better exam performance, and better grades. BaseQuadrant's Academic Transformation Programme (ATP) aims to make the student develop their learning capabilities, focussing on one subject at a time.
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In this Programme, we build a 'tight focus bubble' around the child and the one subject that they fear the most.

We free the child's mind from all the pressures and demands of school, exams, marks etc. and drive away all accompanying fears.

Next , we help the child familiarize themselves with the subject, starting from the very basics, and slowly working their way up the ladder of excellence. Often, it's shaky fundamentals that lead to lack of confidence in the subject.

At BaseQuadrant, we first build a solid foundation, then fix the concept gaps of the lower classes , and finally forge a solid edifice of knowledge.

At this point, the student is confident and knowledgeable enough to absorb new concepts relevant to his present class. It is a simple process, but certainly not an easy one.The course involves lectures, quizzes,practice sessions and emotional bonding through open conversations.
Slowly, but steadily, the child begins to develop confidence, and more importantly, a liking for the subject.

A natural consequence of this would be better grades in school.


Screen Disengagement Programme

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Today's connected world has definitely made our lives comfortable, but on the other hand,also made us slaves to our devices. Be it adults, teenagers or even small children, no group is immune to the dangers of internet/smartphone addiction.
The dangers of internet addiction among children are not limited to poor academic performance alone.Children show a variety of behavioural problems like anger, impatience, indiscipline, sleep deprivation,disobedience ,poor social skills and a general disconnect with several aspects of day-to -day life .

BaseQuadrant's Screen Disengagement Programme (SDP) is our unique offering,designed to address this pressing need of our times.

Through this Course, we gradually guide the child away from the phone, and help them to lead normal lives, where they are engaged with the real world.
The programme involves interactive conversations, practical exercises, motivational sessions, and regular communication through voice and chats.
We enable the child to
-> Restrict their screen time to pre-decided time schedules.
-> Eliminate their craving to always be online and use gadgets.
-> Find a purpose in life that is worth striving for.
-> Realize the importance of spending time with family and friends.
-> Engaging in social activities , hobbies and above all regular studies.

Programme details :
Age : 10 to 22 years
Duration : 1 month
Fees : 3000